# Verify

EZKL Verify enables in-browser evm verification of EZKL proofs.

# npm
npm install @ezkljs/verify

# yarn
yarn add @ezkljs/verify

# pnpm
pnpm add @ezkljs/verify

Open up the @ezkljs/verify codespace: Open in GitHub Codespaces then run pnpm run test in the provided terminal to execute the jest tests on the library.

# Motivation

We would like the Solidity verifier to be canonical and usually all you ever need. For this, we need to be able to run that verifier in browser, using a lightweight EVM implementation, ethereumjs.

# Usage

@ezkljs/verify provides the localEVMVerify function which spins up an ephemeral EVM instance for executing the bytecode of a solidity verifier.

import localEVMVerify from '@ezkljs/verify'

// Your proof and bytecode
const proof: Uint8Array
const bytecode: string

// Verify the proof
const result = await localEVMVerify(proof, bytecode)
console.log(result)  // true if the proof is valid

# localEVMVerify

function localEVMVerify(
  proof: Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray,
  bytecode: string,
  evmVersion?: Hardfork,
): Promise<boolean>


  • [proof] (Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray): The proof to be verified in serialized format.
  • [bytecode] (string): The bytecode of the compiled Solidity verifier represented as a string.
  • [evmVersion] (Hardfork [optional]): The Ethereum hardfork version target for the compiled bytecode. Default is Hardfork.London.

Return Value:

A Promise that resolves to a boolean indicating whether the verification succeeded.

# Example

Check out how the ezkljs verify library is used in the ezkljs web app Link to the method used here in the example app: handleEvmVerifyButton

import localEVMVerify, { Hardfork } from '@ezkljs/verify'

export async function handleEvmVerifyButton<T extends FileMapping>(
  files: T,
  evmVersion: Hardfork
): Promise<VerifyResult> {
  const result = await convertFilesToFilesSer(files)

  const start = performance.now();  // Start the timer

  let output = await localEVMVerify(
    // Convert the serialized bytecode to a string using TextDecoder
    new TextDecoder().decode(result['bytecodeVerifier']),

  const end = performance.now();  // End the timer

  return {
    output: output,
    executionTime: end - start

